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Product Primary Collection

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By Pinelab

Set a primary collection for your products, so you can create the correct breadcrumbs in your storefront

npm install @pinelab/vendure-plugin-primary-collection
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Dec 20, 2024
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Vendure Primary Collection Plugin

Official documentation here

To construct breadcrumbs and URL’s it’s useful to have a primary collection for each product, in case a product is part of multiple collections. This plugin extends Vendure’s Product graphql type, adding a primaryCollection field that points to the primary collection of a product.

Primary collections can be selected in the Admin UI’s product detail view.

This Plugin also exports PrimaryCollectionHelperService which can be used to assign primaryCollection’s to products without existing values by running PrimaryCollectionHelperService.setPrimaryCollectionForAllProducts.

Getting started

Add the plugin to your vendure-config.ts:

plugins: [
    customFieldUITabName: 'Primary Collection',
    port: 3002,
    route: 'admin',
    app: compileUiExtensions({
      outputPath: path.join(__dirname, '__admin-ui'),
      extensions: [PrimaryCollectionPlugin.ui],

And your good to go with just that.

Migrating from 1.6.0 to 2.0.0

  1. Always create a backup of your database
  2. Install the plugin and generate a migration
  3. In your migration file, add the function exportCurrentPrimaryCollections(queryRunner) to the top and savePrimaryCollection(queryRunner) to the bottom of the up function in your migration file, like so
import { exportCurrentPrimaryCollections, savePrimaryCollection } from "@pinelab/vendure-plugin-primary-collection";

   public async up(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<any> {
        // add this line
        await exportCurrentPrimaryCollections(queryRunner)
        await queryRunner.query("ALTER TABLE `product` DROP FOREIGN KEY `FK_5e6c3c845407ccaa497eca1a865`", undefined);
        await queryRunner.query("ALTER TABLE `product` CHANGE `customFieldsPrimarycollectionid` `customFieldsPrimarycollection` int NULL", undefined);
        await queryRunner.query("ALTER TABLE `product` DROP COLUMN `customFieldsPrimarycollection`", undefined);
        await queryRunner.query("ALTER TABLE `product` ADD `customFieldsPrimarycollection` varchar(255) NULL", undefined);
        //...and this line
        await savePrimaryCollection(queryRunner)
  1. Run the migration.
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