Find the solution that fits your needs
For everyone
Community (CE)
Our core platform with all its features is open source and free.
- Open-source under the GPLv3 license
- Access all our features
- Framework tooling to customize the platform
- Regular releases and maintenance
- Comprehensive Docs to get up to speed
- SLA-backed support (only community)
- Safe for commercial re-distribution
Perfect for mid-size to larger projects
Business (EE)
Enjoy commercial flexibility and premium support for your project
2100 EUR/mo
- Vendure Commercial License (VCL)
- Dedicated Slack Support Channel
- SLA-backed response times
- Long Term Support for v3.x
- One Installation included
- Additional installations (multi-tenant)
- Priority bug fixing
Large scale multi-tenant commerce applications
Enterprise (EE)
Build your digital commerce product or infrastructure on our platform
- Vendure Commercial License (VCL)
- Dedicated Slack Support Channel
- SLA-backed response times
- Long Term Support for v3.x
- 4 Installations included
- Additional installations
- Priority bug fixing and feature requests
Trusted byView Case Studies
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Create your first commerce experience with Vendure in less than 2 minutes
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