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Modify Active Orders

Product information

By Pinelab

Modify an active order for a customer from the Admin UI

npm install @pinelab/vendure-plugin-modify-customer-orders
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Support languages
Integration type
Admin tools
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Latest version
Last published
Aug 6, 2024
Downloads in past month

Modify Customer Orders plugin

This plugin allows you to convert an active order from a customer to a Draft order, edit it, and connect it back to the customer.

  1. Login as administrator and go to ‘Orders’ and then the ‘Active’ tab
  2. Click the ‘Convert order to Draft’
  3. The order can now be edited as admin under ‘Drafts’
  4. Click Complete draft to connect the order as active order to a customer. (This behaviour can be disabled, see autoAssignDraftOrdersToCustomer below)

Getting started

// vendure-config.ts
import { ModifyCustomerOrdersPlugin } from '@pinelab/vendure-plugin-modify-customer-orders';

plugins: [
     * Automatically make completed draft orders active orders for the connected customer
    autoAssignDraftOrdersToCustomer: true,
    port: 3002,
    route: 'admin',
    app: compileUiExtensions({
      outputPath: path.join(__dirname, '__admin-ui'),
      extensions: [ModifyCustomerOrdersPlugin.ui], // Add the "Convert to draft" button
      devMode: true,

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